Terms of use


Revision of the User Agreement dated 09.09.2024

1.1 This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") applies to the service "gamemonitoring.net" located at "gamemonitoring.net" domain.
1.2 The website "gamemonitoring.net" (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") is owned by GAMEMONITORING DOO.
1.3 This Agreement governs the relationship between the User (hereinafter referred to as "You" or "User") and the Administration of the website "gamemonitoring.net" (hereinafter referred to as "We" or "Website Administration").
1.4 We reserve the right to modify, add, or remove provisions of this Agreement at any time without prior notice to the User.
1.5 Your use of the Website signifies your acceptance of the Agreement and any modifications made to it.
1.6 You are personally responsible for reviewing this Agreement and checking for any changes in it.


2.1 The following terms have the following meaning for the purposes of this Agreement:
2.1.1 "gamemonitoring.net" - An Internet resource located at the domain name "gamemonitoring.net" that operates through the website and its related services (hereinafter referred to as the "Website").
2.1.2 "gamemonitoring.net" - A website that provides information about Goods and/or Services and/or Other values to the user, Seller, and/or Service Provider, enabling the selection, ordering, and/or purchase of Goods and/or receipt of services.
2.1.3 Website Administration - Authorized employees acting on behalf of GAMEMONITORING DOO, responsible for managing and ensuring the operation of the Website, monitoring compliance with the User Agreement, and providing user support when necessary.
2.1.4 Website User (hereinafter referred to as the "User") - an individual or legal entity who has access to the Website via the Internet and uses the Website to obtain information about Goods and/or Services, place orders, interact with other Users, or perform other actions provided by the Website's functionality.
2.1.5 Website Content (hereinafter referred to as the "Content") - protected results of intellectual activity, including texts of literary works, their titles, introductions, annotations, articles, illustrations, covers, music works with or without lyrics, graphics, texts, photographs, derivative, composite, and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademarks, logos, computer programs, databases, as well as the design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, general style, and arrangement of this Content, included in the Website, and other objects of intellectual property, collectively and/or individually, contained on the gamemonitoring.net website.


3.1 The subject of this Agreement is to provide the User with access to the Goods and/or services available on the Website.
3.1.1 The Website provides the User with the following types of services:

  • Providing the User with the ability to post messages, comments, user reviews, and rate website content;
  • Getting acquainted with the Goods/Services offered on the Website;
  • Choosing and ordering Goods/Services for subsequent purchase or processing on this Website.

3.1.2 All existing services (features) of the Website, as well as any subsequent modifications and additional services (features) that may appear in the future, fall under the scope of this Agreement.
3.2 Access to the website is provided free of charge.
3.3 This Agreement constitutes a public offer. By accessing the Website, the User is considered to have accepted this Agreement.
3.4 The use of materials and services of the Website is governed by the laws of Montenegro.


4.1 The Website administration has the right to:

  • 4.1.1 Modify the rules of using the Website, as well as modify the content of this Website. The changes come into effect from the moment the new version of the Agreement is published on the Website.

4.2 The User has the right to:

  • 4.2.1 Use all available services on the Website, as well as purchase any Goods and/or Services offered on the Website.
  • 4.2.2 Ask any questions related to the website services:
  • via email: support@gamemonitoring.net
  • 4.2.3 Use the Website solely for the purposes and in the manner provided by the Agreement and not prohibited by the legislation of Montenegro.

4.3 The User of the Website undertakes to:

  • 4.3.1 Provide the Website administration with additional information directly related to the services provided on this Website upon request.
  • 4.3.2 Respect the property and non-property rights of authors and other right holders when using the Website.
  • 4.3.3 Not take actions that may be considered as disrupting the normal operation of the Website.
  • 4.3.4 Not distribute any confidential and legally protected information about individuals or legal entities using the Website.
  • 4.3.5 Avoid any actions that may violate the confidentiality of information protected by the legislation of Montenegro.
  • 4.3.6 Not use the services for the purpose of:
  • Violating the rights of minors and/or causing harm to them in any form.
  • Discriminating against minorities.
  • Impersonating another person or representing oneself as a representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights to do so, including the employees of this website.
  • Misleading as to the properties and characteristics of any Goods and/or services advertised on the Website.
  • Making inappropriate comparisons of Goods and/or Services, as well as forming a negative attitude towards individuals who use or do not use specific Goods and/or services or condemning such individuals.
  • Uploading content that is illegal, violates any rights of third parties; promotes violence, cruelty, hatred, and/or discrimination based on race, nationality, gender, religion, social status; contains false information and/or insults directed at specific individuals, organizations, authorities.
  • Inciting unlawful actions and assisting individuals whose actions are aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions in force in Montenegro.
  • 4.3.7 Provide accurate information upon request from the Website administration.
  • 4.3.8 Ensure the security of personal data from third-party access.
  • 4.3.9. The user agrees that creating and using more than one account on this platform constitutes a violation of the terms of use. In the event of a breach of this provision, the administration reserves the right to block all associated user accounts without prior notice. Such measures are taken to ensure the security of the platform and prevent abuse.

4.4 The User is prohibited from:

  • 4.4.1 Using any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms, and methods, automatic devices, or equivalent manual processes to access, acquire, copy, or track the content of the Website.
  • 4.4.2 Disrupting the proper functioning of the Website.
  • 4.4.3 Circumventing the navigational structure of the Website to obtain or attempt to obtain any information, documents, or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of this Website.
  • 4.4.4 Unauthorized access to the functions of the Website, any other systems or networks related to this Website, as well as any services offered on the Website.
  • 4.4.5 Violating the security or authentication system on the Website or any network related to the Website.
  • 4.4.6 Performing reverse look-up, tracking, or attempting to track any information about any other User of the Website.
  • 4.4.7 Using the Website and its content for any purposes prohibited by the legislation of Montenegro, as well as inciting any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the Website or other individuals.


5.1 Refunds are not provided for the purchase of any digital services on the website unless otherwise stated.
5.2 The service will be activated within 24 hours from the moment of payment, unless otherwise stated.


6.1 The website and the content included in the website are owned and managed by the website administration.
6.2 The content of the website is protected by copyright, trademark law, other intellectual property rights, and legislation on unfair competition.
6.3 This Agreement applies to all additional provisions and terms regarding the purchase of products and/or the provision of services offered on the website.
6.4 The information posted on the website should not be interpreted as an amendment to this Agreement.
6.5 The website administration reserves the right to make changes to the list of products and services offered on the website, as well as their prices, without prior notice to the user.


7.1 The website administration shall not be liable for any losses incurred by the user as a result of intentional or negligent violation of any provision of this Agreement, as well as unauthorized access to the communications of another user.
7.2 The website administration shall not be liable for:

  • 7.2.1 Delays or failures in transaction processing due to force majeure events, as well as any malfunctions in telecommunications, computer, electrical, and other related systems.
  • 7.2.2 Actions of money transfer systems, banks, payment systems, and possible delays associated with their operation.
  • 7.2.3 Proper functioning of the website if the user does not have the necessary technical means for its use and does not have obligations to provide users with such means.


8.1 The website administration may disclose information about the user if required or permitted by the current legislation of the Montenegro.
8.2 The website administration has the right to terminate or block access to the website without prior notice to the user if the user violates this Agreement or the terms of website use specified in other documents, as well as in the event of the website's termination of operation or technical issues.
8.3 The website administration shall not be liable to the user or third parties for the termination of access to the website in case of the user's violation of any provision of this Agreement or other documents containing the terms of website use.


9.1 In the event of any disagreements or disputes between the parties to this Agreement, the mandatory condition before going to court is the submission of a claim (a written proposal for voluntary dispute resolution).
9.2 The recipient of the claim shall notify the claimant in writing of the results of the claim consideration within 30 calendar days from the date of receiving it.
9.3 If it is impossible to resolve the dispute amicably, either party has the right to seek protection of their rights in court, as provided by the current legislation of the Montenegro.
9.4 Any claim related to the terms of use of the website must be filed within 5 days from the date when the grounds for the claim arose, except for cases where the claim is related to the protection of copyright in materials protected in accordance with the law on the website. In case of violation of the conditions of this clause, any claim shall be dismissed by the court without consideration.


10.1 Any changes or additions to this User Agreement can only be made by the website administration.

11. Reviews

11.1. User Obligations
Users who post reviews on the platform are required to provide truthful, honest, and accurate information based solely on their personal experience with the gaming servers. Reviews must not mislead other users, server representatives, or third parties. Reviews should not be based on unverified, deliberately false, or biased information. In case of violation of these requirements, users may be held accountable, including for the publication of deliberately false information in accordance with the laws of Montenegro.

11.2. User Responsibility
Users bear full responsibility for their reviews, including legal, financial, and reputational liability. This includes potential claims from server representatives, third parties, as well as lawsuits for violations of rights to honor, dignity, business reputation, and other legitimate interests.

11.3. Review Posting Conditions and Restrictions
Reviews are published on the platform without prior moderation. Users must comply with the laws of Montenegro, including criminal law, competition protection law, and laws on the protection of honor, dignity, and business reputation. The publication of the following content is strictly prohibited:
1. Insults, obscene language, threats, or defamation in violation of criminal law.
2. Statements inciting hatred or discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, language, origin, or social status, violating the law on the prevention of discrimination.
3. Spam, advertisements, or links to third-party resources unrelated to the servers under discussion.
4. Deliberately false information that may mislead users or server representatives, violating competition protection laws.
5. Fake reviews, or reviews posted on behalf of third parties without their explicit consent or in the interest of competing servers.

11.4. Interaction with Server Representatives
Server representatives have the right to verify their ownership of servers through the verification process provided by the platform. Once successfully verified, server representatives may post official responses to user reviews. These responses must be respectful, comply with Montenegrin law, and not violate the rights of other users.

11.5. Dispute Resolution Procedure
In case of a dispute, the server representative is required to provide a justified rebuttal to the user review in the form of an official response with supporting evidence. If the dispute is unresolved, the server representative may contact the platform's support service for further conflict resolution. The platform reserves the right to act as a mediator only if both parties provide evidence. The platform is not responsible for the outcome of disputes between users and server representatives. The platform's support team reserves the right to make decisions on disputes based on the evidence provided and at its sole discretion. The platform's decision is final and cannot be appealed.

11.6. Review Deletion and Modification Policy
The platform reserves the right to hide content that violates these terms or Montenegrin law. Users cannot delete reviews unless required by Montenegrin law or court order. Users may edit or hide their reviews. Hidden reviews will not be publicly visible and are not considered in the platform’s rating systems. The platform reserves the right to hide review content without prior notice. If a review's content is hidden, it will not count toward the platform’s rating systems.

11.7. Platform Use of Reviews
The platform has the right to use user reviews for advertising, marketing, and research purposes without prior notice or additional consent from users, provided such use does not violate Montenegrin law, including data protection laws. Personal data of users can only be used with their explicit consent. Acceptance of these terms constitutes the user's consent to the use of their reviews for the aforementioned purposes.

11.8. Platform Liability Limitation
The platform is not responsible for the content of user reviews or for any direct or indirect losses arising from the use or publication of reviews on the platform. The platform reserves the right to modify or update the review posting terms at any time, notifying users accordingly.


12.1 The rules may be changed at any time without prior notice.
12.2 Changes come into effect from the moment of publication on this page.


Registration number: 5 - 1121380 / 001
Legal Address: Montenegro, Budva, Lazi bb
Email: support@gamemonitoring.net