Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Level 1 Points: 91/500
Players online
Valve Anti-Cheat
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- 2.Paste the connection address into the input field in the game
- 3.Click the "Connect" button
no-steam, 128tick, !knife, !gloves, !ws, !gl, Knife choice CORE, cases, hns, MANIAC, HNS, maniac, dom, KZ, anime, skins, vip, vips, lvl, shop, AWP, Public, parkour, hideandseek, HAS, hide, custom
Online player statistics
Popular maps
seek_town 41.97%
hns_devblocks_v5_hide 22.88%
hns_floppytown 7.45%
hns_floppytown_v002 7.07%
seek_bbcity_v5 6.05%
hns_jukecity 3.57%
seek_aztec 1.31%
seek_proworld 1.26%
seek_street_remake_v9 1.03%
seek_burg_v3 0.72%
seek_lakehouse_2020 0.68%
Town_Remake 0.65%
seek_whitewoods_update 0.63%
hns_rivertown 0.56%
inner_city_2_d 0.54%
seek_villayard 0.49%
minecraft_by_howl 0.4%
seek_sandy_area 0.37%
seek_enterprise 0.37%
inferno[hideandseek] 0.35%
seek_broken_facility 0.33%
seek_cache 0.33%
seek_mansion_snowy 0.3%
winterday[hideandseek] 0.26%
seek_frostroad 0.14%
seek_snowcovered 0.09%
big_city_v3_mg 0.07%
violetto 0.05%
seek_middletown 0.02%
seek_snowblocked 0.02%
seek_crossroad 0.02%
winterday_hideandseek_remake_new 0.02%
Player reviews
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0% Not Recommended
1 Reviews
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3 months ago
Playtime on server: — No data for the last two weeks. — No data for all time.
Хорошо сделанный сервер и игроки веселые, админ состав хороший
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