[SWE/NO/DK/ENG] - Mumindalen | Wiped Mar 6th | Purge Hours
- 1.Copy connection address
- 2.Paste the connection address into the input field in the game
- 3.Click the "Connect" button
![[SWE/NO/DK/ENG] - Mumindalen | Wiped Mar 6th | Purge Hours](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7xpscfekhznf0m3i7mwpt/mumin_dalen_server.png?rlkey=e3zefqrp9bg1vbaqrbtdv1ig8&st=izyqrvqv&dl=1)
Welcome to Mumindalen!
We have a Discord server!
Click -View Webpage- to join and learn more about our rules.
Private profiles and VPN is not allowed!
Note that teams are limited to a maximum of 4 players.
For more information, please refer to our Discord server.
By joining our server, you accept the following rules,
which may result in a warning, kick, or ban if not followed:
1. Use of abusive language to offend, ridicule, or bully other players.
Profanity is generally not tolerated either.
2. Expression of offensive, political, religious, or other inflammatory views in chat,
voice chat, signs, paintings, nicknames, avatars, or building patterns.
3. Spamming chat or voice chat with irrelevant messages.
4. Cheating or exploiting game glitches.
5. Use of languages other than Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, or English.
6. Griefing, which is the intentional destruction of other players' work.
7. Killing fresh spawns for no reason.
By joining the server, you agree to potentially be streamed while playing the game.
For more in-depth information about our rules, please join our Discord server.
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