API for Rusticated.com - EU Trio | Thursday Wipes

We offer a wide range of integration methods. You can use any of them or create your own using the JSON API. If you have a suggestion to add a new integration method, please contact us. Connect with us

JSON for programs, websites and more

  "response": {
    "id": 5941360,
    "ip": "",
    "port": 28015,
    "query": 28015,
    "owner_name": null,
    "owner_avatar": null,
    "color": 0,
    "description": "![Rusticated.com - EU Trio | Thursday Wipes](https://cdn.rusticated.com/u/dfa2d63218-banner_512x256.png)\nThursday weekly wipes, Blueprints wipe every Month\r\nBuy SkipQueue at: www.rusticated.com/vip\r\nDiscord: www.rusticated.com/discord\r\n\r\nPlease follow the rules below: \r\n- English in chat \r\n- Max of 3 players authorized on Codes & TC's at all times \r\n -Max of 3 players per group \r\n- Max of 3 players per base \r\n- Max of 3 players roaming /raiding \r\n- No making deals of any kind with another team to not kill each other/work together \r\n- No allowing a player in your base from another group under any circumstances \r\n- No Allies and or Slaves \r\n- No hotels / giving away bases (you can abandon a base) \r\n- No Racism, Homophobia, Harassment or Excessive Toxicity \r\n- No Advertising \r\n- Any form of cheats / hacking is not allowed \r\n- Staff have final say, being toxic to staff will get you automatically removed \r\n- Any association with a gamebanned rust account or playing with a user with a old gamebanned rust account will cause you to be banned \r\n\r\n Swapping Rules:\r\n- Remove all bags/beds for the players that is leaving \r\n- Change codes ( If you don't change codes you can potentially be banned for authorizing more than 3) \r\n- Clear TC \r\n- Player that is leaving can not return to your group for the rest of wipe",
    "game": 252490,
    "owner": null,
    "boosts": 1,
    "last_offline": 1742563672,
    "score": 0,
    "last_online": 1742863840,
    "icon": null,
    "name": "Rusticated.com - EU Trio | Thursday Wipes",
    "connect": "",
    "request": "",
    "map": "Rusticated Generated Maps",
    "gamemode": "Rust",
    "version": "2583",
    "numplayers": 33,
    "maxplayers": 150,
    "bots": 0,
    "secured": true,
    "private": false,
    "country": "GB",
    "status": true,
    "votes": 0,
    "points": 67,
    "add_date": 1726346630,
    "last_update": 1742863840,
    "banned": false,
    "wipe": 1742479124,
    "official": null,
    "wipe_period": null,
    "next_wipe": null,
    "pve": null,
    "list_hidden": false,
    "app": {
      "id": 12,
      "steam_id": 252490,
      "name": "Rust",
      "url": "rust",
      "popular_maps_available": false
    "server_owner": null,
    "mods": [],
    "disabled_modules": []

Code examples

$json = file_get_contents("https://api.gamemonitoring.net/servers/5941360");
$data = json_decode($json, true);