Классика х5 для НОВИЧКОВ |Loot+|BigBoyRust|
Level 1 Points: 100/500
Players online
Valve Anti-Cheat
Current: 61 , Average: 54
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Game port:
Query port:
- 1.Copy connection address
- 2.Paste the connection address into the input field in the game
- 3.Click the "Connect" button
[EU] Welcome to the Big Boy Rust server
Feel like a Big Boy
- rates x5
- increased loot from boxes and crates
- increased stacks
- accelerated melting furnaces
- kits /kit
[RU] Добро пожаловать на сервер Big Boy Rust
Почувствуй себя Большим мальчиком
- рейты х5
- увеличенный лут из ящиков и крейтов
- увеличенные стаки
- ускоренное плавление печей
- стартовые наборы /kit
Online player statistics
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0% Not Recommended
1 Reviews
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Pay special attention to the fact that reviews left by players without specifying the time spent on the server may be invalid. This is due to the server not providing information about the player's sessions or the player not spending any time on the server.
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4 months ago
Playtime on server: — No data for the last two weeks. — No data for all time.
Молодой и активно развивающийся сервер. Подходит как для новичков, так и для старожилов
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