Eurasia 2x Weekly Solo/Duo/Trio

Level 1 Points: 0/500
Players online
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Valve Anti-Cheat
Last wipe
12 days ago (3/6/2025, 7:05:20 PM)
Game port:
Query port:
  • 1.Copy connection address
  • 2.Paste the connection address into the input field in the game
  • 3.Click the "Connect" button

Добро пожаловать на сервер Eurasia 2x Monthly Solo/Duo/Trio
◇ Полный вайп каждый четверг
◇ x2 стаки, добыча, плавка, скорость крафта и переработки
◇ Перезагрузка в 05:00 по времени Астаны (GMT+5)
Welcome to the server Eurasia 2x Monthly Solo/Duo/Trio
◇ Full wipe every Thursday
◇ x2 stacks, gathering, smelting, crafting, and recycling speed
◇ Restarts at 05:00 Astana time (GMT+5)

Online player statistics

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