Reviews of ZAEBAL RUST | X2 | ДЛЯ НОВИЧКОВ | WIPE 21.03

Player reviews

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2 Reviews
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Pay special attention to the fact that reviews left by players without specifying the time spent on the server may be invalid. This is due to the server not providing information about the player's sessions or the player not spending any time on the server.

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djkamar31 25 days ago
Playtime on server: — No data for the last two weeks. — No data for all time.
This is incredible server for clans and solo-duo-trio! Thx for create server like this!
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sedoiBY109781 25 days ago
Playtime on server: — No data for the last two weeks. — No data for all time.
Классный сервер +REP Зашел в начале вайпа, кайфанул
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