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JSON for programs, websites and more
"response": {
"id": 7741365,
"ip": "",
"port": 28022,
"query": 28022,
"owner_name": null,
"owner_avatar": null,
"color": 0,
"description": "![[AU/NZ] BigD.com.au | AUSCOPTER | 1000x](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pqkavsw29fcpwn7wzbv6i/rust-bigd-banner.jpg?rlkey=h0tri8iz43sa2bzjvt36gf35j&st=xef4qfb5&dl=1)\nWelcome to BigD Gaming's Auscopter Rust server! The 1000x Auscopter experience! \r\n SERVER WIPE: Weekly on Fridays @ 3 PM AEST \r\n \r\n For more info and VIP please visit https://bigd.com.au/rust/ \r\n or join the Discord at discord.gg/bigd",
"game": 252490,
"owner": null,
"boosts": 1,
"last_offline": 1743041647,
"score": 0,
"last_online": 1742961046,
"icon": null,
"name": "[AU/NZ] BigD.com.au | AUSCOPTER | 1000x",
"connect": "",
"request": "",
"map": "Custom Map",
"gamemode": "Survival",
"version": null,
"numplayers": 0,
"maxplayers": 100,
"bots": 0,
"secured": false,
"private": false,
"country": "AU",
"status": false,
"votes": 0,
"points": 0,
"add_date": 1739805447,
"last_update": 1743041647,
"banned": false,
"wipe": 1742881631,
"official": null,
"wipe_period": null,
"next_wipe": null,
"pve": null,
"list_hidden": false,
"app": {
"id": 12,
"steam_id": 252490,
"name": "Rust",
"url": "rust",
"popular_maps_available": false
"server_owner": null,
"mods": [],
"disabled_modules": []
Code examples
$json = file_get_contents("https://api.gamemonitoring.net/servers/7741365");
$data = json_decode($json, true);