[EU] Cozy Rusting | PvPvE Noob Friendly
Level 1 Points: 60/500
Players online
Valve Anti-Cheat
Current: 103 , Average: 102
Last wipe
Game port:
Query port:
- 1.Copy connection address
- 2.Paste the connection address into the input field in the game
- 3.Click the "Connect" button
Welcome to the Cozy Rusting Server!
Our primary goal is to provide a relaxing yet engaging gameplay experience.
PvP/KOS is allowed only within designated Named Monuments, while the areas outside of those zones are reserved strictly for PvE. Additionally, raiding is limited to the last week of each wipe cycle, ensuring a balanced and enjoyable experience throughout the rest of the wipe.
Server Rules:
- PvP/KOS is permitted only within Named Monuments.
- No hacking or cheating of any kind.
- Exploiting game bugs or glitches is strictly prohibited.
- Griefing will not be tolerated.
- And above all, just be respectful and kind to others.
Enjoy your time here and play fair!
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