a year ago
Not recommended
Playtime on server: — No data for the last two weeks. — No data for all time.
Admins in this server are very toxic and power-hungry. I got banned from game and discord only for asking a question in general chat. Homophobic kids
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a year ago
Not recommended
Playtime on server: — No data for the last two weeks. — No data for all time.
Admins in this server are very toxic and power-hungry. I got banned from game and discord only for asking a question in general chat. Homophobic kids
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a year ago
Not recommended
Playtime on server: — No data for the last two weeks. — No data for all time.
Admins in this server are very toxic and power-hungry. I got banned from game and discord only for asking a question in general chat. Homophobic kids
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a year ago
Not recommended
Playtime on server: — No data for the last two weeks. — No data for all time.
Admins in this server are very toxic and power-hungry. I got banned from game and discord only for asking a question in general chat. Homophobic kids
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