輝煌伺服器 ‹ Brilliantw.net › 1.20 - 1.21.4 生存建築 ✦ 用心運營 ✦ 第五周年 ✦ 完善功能 ✦ 輕鬆上手
- 1.Copy connection address
- 2.Paste the connection address into the input field in the game
- 3.Click the "Connect" button
Welcome to the 輝煌伺服器 ‹ Brilliantw.net › 1.20 - 1.21.4 生存建築 ✦ 用心運營 ✦ 第五周年 ✦ 完善功能 ✦ 輕鬆上手 server!
This server is dedicated to playing Minecraft and runs on version §7請使用 §c1.20 §7~ §c1.21.4 §7版本連線!. The server is located in Taiwan, ensuring excellent connection speed and minimal latency for players from this region. This is especially important for those who value stable and fast gameplay. VAC protection is enabled on the server, making the game fair and safe.
Join Us!
Connect to the server at brilliantw.net:25565 and immerse yourself in exciting adventures and a friendly player community. The server can accommodate up to 300 players at the same time, and there are currently 46 players active. Join in and become part of the server community! Currently, the server has received 0 votes and 1 boosts, bringing it 33 points in the server rankings.
The last server data update was made on 6 minutes ago.
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